How To Prolong The Life of Your Vacuum Cleaner- Part 2

This week we continue again in our mission to keep our vacuum cleaners going for longer.   Like  any machine without proper maintenance and care our vacuum cleaners  will pack up in a short space of time, causing a lot of inconvenience  and costing money.   One of the key things you can do is CLEAN/CHANGE THE FILTER.   So why should you clean your filters:- To  answer this question we need to understand why vacuum clenaers have  filters. The purpose of filters in a vacuum cleaner is to trap all the  fine dust particles so that we dont inhale the dust while we are  vacuuming. Filters also trap dust to prevent it from settling on other  interior parts of the vacuum cleaner.  

Therefore, if a filter is not cleaned the following will happen.

  1. A  dirty filter will not be able to filter the air properly causing dust  particles to settle within the vacuum cleaner, eventually causing the  motor to fail.
  2. Because the filter is dirty it will not work  efficiently so for example instead of trapping 99% of the dust a dirty  filter may only trap 30% of the dust meaning that the other 69% either  settles on your lungs or in the house. This is why you find sometimes  the whole house filling up with dust the minute you turn the vacuum  cleaner on. Not only is this not good for your health it also defeats  the point of cleaning as the whole house will be covered in dust after  vacuuming.
So it is paramount to clean or replace filters  regularly as not doing so could prove costly. The general guidelines are  to change/clean filters after 3/4 uses. Of course it depends on how  much you use your vacuum cleaner. The more work the vacuum cleaner does,  the more frequent the filter changes/cleans required.   Before  changing or attempting to clean your filters, always read the manual and  do things the way recommended by the manufacturer. Once you have read  your manual and are ready to tackle the filters, it is best to do the  job outside or in a garage. You want to ensure a lot of air circulation  so that you dont breathe in all the dust.   For plastic filters  you may be able to rinse them clean and if the filters are made of  fabric/paper you may be able to shake off the debris. It is important to  note though that filters have a certain life-span and will need  replacing at some point. Again go by the manufacturer’s guidelines.   Clean  filters will not only aid in keeping your home clean and free from dust  and allergens but they will prolong the life of your vacuum cleaner. A  lot of money is spent in replacing vacuum cleaners and this is not  always necessary. A little bit of maintenance can go a long way so if  you haven’t change your filter recently, now is the time.   Until next time, have a lovely week! PS:// If you enjoyed the post please share it 🙂
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