Prevent Cleaning Damages- Spillages

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As a cleaning agency, we have had our fair share of accidents because despite all best intentions, accidents do happen. In this series, I share with you some common damages, and I shall do this over a few posts. So to get this subject going, we will start talking about spillage accidents. Spillages, are all very common but they are preventable. I am not talking huge spillages either, even the tiniest of spillages can spoil the look of the house. Imagine green spots on a cream carpet, that will stand out. Or a white patch on a wooden floor, again not a pretty sight. So what can we do to prevent such things happening? Well first and foremost, awareness is an important thing. It is important to be aware of the risks involved in performing certain tasks. This is why before we send any cleaner out we educate them of  risks associated with their job so that they are better equipped. <p”>Now whether you use a cleaner or not, to reduce the risk of spillages damaging your floors, surfaces and carpets,  it is recommended that cleaning products are carried in a bucket or a caddy.  Carrying ‘loose’ cleaning products around the house is never a good idea. Sometimes people think eco friendly products will not cause damage but it is not true. You dont want to end up having to replace the whole carpet due to something that could have been avoided. A cleaning bucket/caddy  doesn’t cost much, for under £5 you can get a good bucket so there really is no excuse. In addition to using caddies, these are some things you can do to minimise the chances of ruining your home with chemical spillages.
  1. Ensure that bottles don’t leak- check for holes or cracks.
  2. Ensure that bottles have lids and the lids are screwed on tightly after use
  3. Ensure that for spray bottles the nozzles are set to the off position after use- this is to ensure that if the nozzle is accidentally pressed no chemical will come out.
  4. Ensure bottles are stored upright at all times to prevent any chemicals from leaking out unnoticed.
  5. Ensure the caddy or bucket itself is intact and does not leak. A leaking caddy is almost as good as no caddy as it could accidentally leak chemicals out.
If you are not using a caddy please do so. You will reduce the risk of damaging your home significantly. So this is the tip for today, the series continues again next week, so look out for next week’s post and share the knowledge with anyone you think will benefit.  
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