5 Ways to Ease Cleaning Chores

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Cleaning and cooking are certainly the top chores for most families. Whilst we cannot help with the cooking side of things we can help with the cleaning so you have more time to do the cooking. So we can help with the cooking too but in an indirect way. Here are some tips that can help you stay on top of  your cleaning chores.


Clean as you go! Don’t let things build up because time is so scarce these days and quite often it is hard to find time to do the whole house at once. So why not wipe the kitchen doors whilst you are waiting for the kettle to boil. Or you could quickly wipe that spill in the fridge when you are getting the milk out?

Share the Job

If you have children get them to chip in. I know children especially toddlers are known to be great at messing the house, but they can also be great at helping too.  They are little balls of energy and if they slowed down a little bit they would spring clean the house and make you dinner!  Anyway, enough wishing but the point is with a little bit of guidance, children can help out here and there. They can take plates to the sink, tidy up their toys etc.

Get A Dishwasher

A kitchen sink full of dirty dishes can make the whole kitchen look dirty. Those dirty dishes have a dominating presence and they build up so fast. It is not always so easy to immediately wash plates so the best thing is to get a dishwasher so you can put plates away as you go along.

Storage Boxes

Beautiful on the outside, usually not so beautiful inside 🙂 Shops are full of them in all sorts of designs to suit every taste. They are a great way of putting things away, so instead of having magazines floating around, you can put them in a box. How about those hair bands, bangles, coins and all those tiny things you don’t know where to put, they can all go and hide in the storage boxes. You can always sort them when you are bored but at least in the meantime they give the impression and the look that all is in order 🙂

Less Makes Cleaning Easy

Less items means there is less items to dust. Less toys mean there is less toys for you to pick around. So you need to consider whether you really need to have all those items on your window sills. I have now cut down on the toys for the children as they just end up scattered in every room of the house. I also now question every item on the window sill. Items that are on my window sills surely deserve to be there because they have passed my scrutiny about their worth and they have convinced me they are worth it! These tips wont wipe off cleaning off your list but they will help make th0ings a little easier. But if it is still a little too much for you, then we are ready, got our gloves on. Give us a call! Do you know of any tips, please share them by leaving a comment below, or why not share this post with friends so they too can benefit.    
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