How To Prolong The Life of Your Vacuum Cleaner- Part 1

From many years of experience we have to come to discover that the vacuum cleaner is often the most neglected appliance in the home, hence many vacuum cleaners end up in the landfills way before their time. I am going to share with you a few tips that will prolong the life of your vacuum cleaner, this post is the one of many ‘vacuum cleaner saving’ tips to come.

TIP ONE- Empty the vacuum cleaner regularly

Unfortunately, most vacuum cleaners are not emptied regularly. Emptying the vacuum cleaner is a simple task but is often taken for granted. It is not uncommon for vacuum bags to get so full that they burst within the vacuum cleaners causing all sorts of problems. Of course, if a vacuum cleaner is overly full, it cannot pick up debris efficiently as it simply has nowhere to put it. Secondly, full bags cause more work on the motor, which lessens the life of the motor and can even cause it to blow. So it is undeniable that emptying your vacuum cleaner regularly is an important routine in prolonging the life of your machine. Here are a few ways you can ensure that your vacuum cleaner is emptied regularly: 1.Make it routine to empty at least once a week Don’t wait until the vacuum cleaner stops picking. If you have a regular cleaner coming in each week you can ask your cleaner to make it routine to empty the vacuum cleaner after each cleaning session. This way you can be sure the emptying is done each week. 2.Stock on bags If your vacuum cleaner requires bags, keep plenty of stock and ensure that they are in an easy to find place and can be easily accessed. If bags are in a difficult to reach place, they will not be used as often as recommended. As humans we like things to be as easy as is possible and if things require a lot of effort we tend to postpone. 3. Check your vacuum cleaner regularly Yes, you may have told your cleaner but they may forget, so it is best to keep an eye and verify that your vacuum cleaner is being looked after properly. Our regular cleaners are trained to empty vacuum cleaners as it is an important routine in ensuring that the vacuum cleaner works efficiently. Sometimes cleaners can get complacent over time so a gentle reminder is no harm to ensure that standards are maintained. For this week, I end here but I will continue with the series so we can ensure that our vacuum cleaners live longer. Until next time, enjoy the rest of your week. PS:// if you like this post please share it with friends and family, thank you 🙂
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